Comments on: Slacker Sex Toy Reviews for Women Sat, 16 Apr 2011 16:07:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Venus Venus Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:15:25 +0000 You know, the shower is where most of my thoughts come from too! You know, the shower is where most of my thoughts come from too!

By: buzzvibe buzzvibe Tue, 12 Apr 2011 12:57:12 +0000 Yep, I hear you. I have a Tumblr blog which is meant to be for my random thoughts and whatnot, but it seems like I mostly post about how far behind I am on my reviews. If I spent the time on my other blog instead of moaning on Tumblr about being way behind, then I might not be so far behind. But I have the same sort of struggles. Ideas come to me in the shower, and by the time I'm dried and dressed I can't remember the majority of them. The ones that do stick in my mind rarely become more than an opening sentence or working title. Yep, I hear you. I have a Tumblr blog which is meant to be for my random thoughts and whatnot, but it seems like I mostly post about how far behind I am on my reviews. If I spent the time on my other blog instead of moaning on Tumblr about being way behind, then I might not be so far behind. But I have the same sort of struggles. Ideas come to me in the shower, and by the time I’m dried and dressed I can’t remember the majority of them. The ones that do stick in my mind rarely become more than an opening sentence or working title.
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