So I got my eviction notice today. Apparently my landlord (now former landlord) sold the building that I am living in. New landlord wants to live in my apartment so naturally that means I have to move out. She (new landlord) came today and presented me with an eviction notice with a time frame of 3 months to GTFO. She was really pleasant and polite about it and explained how she hated to do it to me and felt really bad, then proceeded to tell me all about her plans to moving in here and what her plans are with the building. She is actually pretty friendly and we got along perfect. It’s actually kind of a shame that she’s not going to be my new landlord. heh.

Of course this kinda took me all by surprise. I had no clue that the landlord sold the building and my way of finding out was being slapped in the face with an eviction notice. Fucking Ace! So if that isn’t bad enough, to top it all off, (former) landlord hasn’t even come by yet to inform me that he doesn’t own the building anymore or that he is not even our landlord anymore. Kinda sleazy if you ask me.

Any other time, in most cases, I would be freaking out in a panic attack right about now. I would seriously be in hysterics thinking it’s the end of the world. But truth is, in reality I’ve been *really* wanting to move anyhow, but I would have preferred it be more on MY terms. But, it is what it is and I have 3 months to get my shit together.

10 Responses to “Evicted”

  1. That? Sucks. It does. At least you get to move though. :)
    Kayla recently posted..“Gush- The Official Guide to the G-Spot and Female Ejaculation” ReviewMy Profile

  2. That is sad news indeed!!! But the plus side is, you get to move!!!!
    Woman recently posted..Lawyer Woman FantasyMy Profile

    • @Woman: As much as I would have rather it be on my terms, I do get to move. I hate deadlines, because it seems like I end up just settling for whats available in case I don;t find anywhere else available.

  3. Wow… this would be awful. Well I guess on the upside you received 3 months. Good luck to you in the future hon.
    LadyA recently posted..Getting Geared Up AgainMy Profile

  4. always stay positive about situations like this because things happen for a reason =] i’m sure you’re going to find your dream living situation for cheaper than expected!! yea? hell yea! =]
    Cassondra recently posted..Pleasurists 131My Profile

  5. Sorry to hear that this is happening. Your ex landlord seems like a prize fool, if you ask me.

    Glad you have a positive attitude, though. You never know, you may find somewhere fantastic. Whatever happens, you have the right outlook :-)
    Andy recently posted..Photo- HNT – Underwear Pt 3My Profile

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