Please ignore how bare and crappy my site is looking right now. Between server down time and my illiteracy to CSS, I am slowly getting it all put back together again. So just a heads-up that my site will be undergoing changes over the next couple weeks or so, so don’t be surprised if you happen to prance in here one day and it looks as if it’s been nuked. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve manage to learn how to back up my database, how to make a child theme and some very basic CSS/HTML.  All self taught. The scary thing is that I am actually getting it. After so much reading and studying, to the point of actually dreaming about CSS, I am seriously ready to take a break for a couple days. My brain is tired. Unfortunately, for the time being, you’ll all have to deal with my craptactular bare theme. I’ve been searching high and low for a theme. I’m not exactly sure what look I am going for but I do want something that matches my personality. I have found some themes that I like, and even a few that come close to being absolutely perfect. But then, I find something I don’t like about it and that theme gets tossed. Maybe I’m being too picky.

Meanwhile, I’m going to try to catch up on some blog posts and reviews.

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