Hello world! Guess who’s back?!  womp. womp.  As you may or may not have noticed, I kinda fell off the face of the earth. I’ve vanished for a short while without warning and I hope you, my lovelies, accept my apologies for my sudden disappearance.  I’m just popping in to say “hey and that I’m alive. I guess you could say I needed some unplugged time. It was nice to take a break but now that I’m back I realize how much I really can’t live without it! I miss you all. I missed my blog, Twitter, checking my email…ahh! It’s so nice to be back.

I suck. I’m having trouble finding things to write about. It’s strange and so unlike me to be  lost for words. I’m a big talker and I always have things to talk about but lately when it comes time to sit down and actually write the words just escape me and it’s like I’m in a block.  I can’t even keep a regular meme going without skipping out on it. My sex drive has been somewhere in between non-existent and hardly there. So, unfortunately, I have no juicy sex tales to share.

In sex toy news, I do have shitton of great reviews coming up. Some of which are already half-written and it’s just a matter of me pulling my thumb out. I have some kick-ass toys coming to me from FunWares.com and I’ll be soon reviewing for PinkCherry.com. I now have a shitty -  but working – digi cam so get prepared for some photo-heavy reviews. Also, I’ll soon be buying a video camera so I can do some video reviews. I’m aiming for April.

In the meantime, I’ll be revamping the blog. So please excuse my disorganized mess while I organize and update things and such. I now have a Tumblr.

Just a heads up…I’m going to be holding another giveaway here very shortly! So keep an eye open for that.

I will, however, take suggestions for things you’d like me to write about while I continue to try to get out of this rut.

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